
肝miFinder miRNA PCR芯片 384孔 Liver miFinder 384HC miRNA PCR Array

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肝miFinder miRNA PCR芯片 384孔 Liver miFinder 384HC miRNA PCR Array

肝miFinder miRNA PCR芯片 384孔 Liver miFinder 384HC miRNA PCR Array
運費 ¥0.00
(庫存 9999 件)
簡介:Liver miFinder 384HC
服務名稱:Liver miFinder 384HC
Human Liver miFinder 384HC miRNA PCR Array: MIHS-3116Z
ProductSpeciesTechnologyCat. No.
Liver miFinder 384HC miScript miRNA PCR ArrayHumanmiRNA ExpressionMIHS-3116Z

The Human Liver miFinder 384HC miScript miRNA PCR Array profiles the expression of 372 miRNAs abundantly expressed or best characterized in liver tissue. As the number of annotated miRNAs continues to expand, it becomes increasingly important to focus only on those miRNAs expressed in a particular cell line or tissue of interest, as not all miRNAs are expressed in every tissue. We have experimentally analyzed the expression of miRNAs identified through miRBase V18 in a pool of human liver samples and correlated the results with scientific literature. Each of these miRNAs can regulate one or more messenger RNA transcripts, and conversely a given mRNA can be regulated by one or more miRNAs. Therefore, although they are well characterized, the complex role played by each miRNA is yet to be completely defined. This array maximizes the likelihood of discovering miRNAs whose expression patterns correlate with the biological phenotypes of liver tissue or hepatic cell lines under study. A set of controls present on each array enables data analysis using the ΔΔCT method of relative quantification, assessment of reverse transcription performance, and assessment of PCR performance. Using SYBR Green real-time PCR, the expression of a focused panel of miRNAs expressed in liver tissue can be easily and reliably analyzed with this miScript miRNA PCR Array.
miScript miRNA PCR Arrays are intended for molecular biology applications. This product is not intended for the diagnosis, prevention or treatment of a disease.
Available in 384-well format.

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