
上皮間質轉化(EMT)DNA甲基化PCR芯片Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) DNA Methylation

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上皮間質轉化(EMT)DNA甲基化PCR芯片Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) DNA Methylation

上皮間質轉化(EMT)DNA甲基化PCR芯片 Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) DNA Methylation PCR Array
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(庫存 9999 件)
簡介:Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) DNA Methylation PCR Array
服務名稱:Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) DNA Methylation PCR Array
Human Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) DNA Methylation PCR Array, Signature Panel: EAHS-901Z

Human Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) EpiTect Methyl II Signature PCR Array profiles the promoter methylation status of a panel of 22 gene promoters down-regulated during this process. EMT and the reciprocal mesenchymal to epithelial transition (MET) are key processes involved in both tumor metastasis and stem cell differentiation and development, when DNA methylation also plays a key role in the epigenetic-based regulation of gene expression. Profiling cellular or fresh tissue genomic DNA samples with these arrays may help correlate CpG island methylation status with biological phenotypes. The results may also help provide further insights into the role of EMT in tumor metastasis and stem cell differentiation and development. With a simple restriction enzyme digestion and real-time PCR, research studies can analyze the promoter methylation status of 22 different genes involved in EMT with this DNA methylation PCR array.
Both 96-well and 384-well ( 4 X 96 ) formats are available.
The EpiTect Methyl II PCR Arrays use the MethylScreen? Technology provided under license from Orion Genomics, LLC.

Genes Down-Regulated During EMT: CDH1, DSP, KRT19, MST1R, OCLN, PPPDE2, RGS2, TSPAN13.
Differentiation & Development: MST1R, PTP4A1, SMAD4.
Cell Growth & Proliferation: GAB1, MST1R, SEH1L, SMAD4.
Extracellular Matrix & Cell Adhesion: CDH1, CTNNAL1, DSC2, EPCAM, NID2.
Signal Transduction: GAB1, KRT19, MAP3K5, RGS2, SMAD4, TGIF1.
Cytoskeleton: CTNNAL1, KRT7, PLEK2.
Other Genes: PLSCR1, YES1.

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